184 Toxin-Free Talk Favorite Things

Today I'm going to be sharing some of my very favorite products, and how to get them because I know that sometimes you just want to be told what to buy, what is safe, what brands you can trust. 

I know when I first started detoxing my daily routines, I had a friend on speed dial and I would call her when I was shopping. I was analyzing every single ingredient label and I just was not feeling confident enough, so it was so much easier just to have her as my guru to kind of help me. 

The idea behind this podcast episode is to kind of just be your guru, and tell you what products to buy so you don't have to worry about it. And these are brands that I personally use myself, I trust them.

I'm not going to go over too many brands because in a podcast that can get kind of overwhelming. I'm going to share some of my favorite products from three different companies and I'm going to have direct links for you.

If you don't have my Safe Swap Guide yet, I highly recommend you to go get that and you can do that by just going to my website detox.design/safe-swap-guide and filling out the form then you get the pop up. So pretty easy. 

Okay, so first I'm gonna be talking about one of my favorite home products. They just have lots of home products like laundry and cleaning products, that sort of stuff. And this brand is named Meliora, and I actually have a very old episode, 77, where I interviewed the founder and her story is pretty fascinating. First of all, it's a woman owned business in America. And she was a chemist, and she wanted to develop these safe products to use at home. And so she did that, which is just such a great story. So not only does she have that science background, but she also had this passion for toxin-free living and so she's created these products that really work and they are safe. 

My number one favorite product from Meliora is the oxygen brighter. I love that product. I think I have another episode just on the oxygen brightener because it's so useful. Just recently I was cleaning the grout in my shower. Even though it's kind of newer, over time, it just kind of gets a little bit dirty. It needs a little extra love. So what I did was I sprinkled that oxygen brightener right there on my tub floor, my shower floor, and then I threw some vinegar on top and I watched it bubble up and then I scrubbed it. And man did it come clean! It was so much cleaner. And it wasn't even that hard. It wasn't a ton of elbow grease that I had to put into it. You know how your coffee cups can get those extra stains in them? Just a little oxygen brightener in there will clean that right up. I also put it in every single load of laundry that I do with Meliora laundry detergent, which I also love. You just use a half of a tablespoon of laundry detergent but for the oxygen brightener you do a whole scoop. And it just gets things extra clean. You know we exercise a lot in our house so things get a little stinky sometimes so it gets everything extra clean. You can also soak your athletic wear or any clothes that have an extra smell in them in a mixture of oxygen brightener with laundry detergent and it will get that nasty funk out of them. So, so cool. I love the oxygen brightener for so many different things. I also love their gentle cleaning scrub. It has this minty smell and it just kind of makes me happy when I'm cleaning because I don't love cleaning. But if something has a nice, wonderful scent to it that's not artificial or full of perfumes, it’s nice. And I actually do love having a scent. So the gentle cleaning scrub is one of my favorite products. I love their all purpose spray. Because it's great on glass, you don't need to have a separate glass cleaner, you can wipe your counters down and you can wipe down your glass. It's pretty amazing. I love their soap stick which is kind of a stain remover, and it gets out so many different stains. You simply get the fabric wet, and then you rub the soap stick on it. And then you can kind of use your fingers to kind of get that soap in there. Or you can use a fabric brush. It works wonderfully. As I said earlier, I love the detergent. My favorite scent from them is the lemon lavender clove. It's this really deep scent. And again, it's scented with only essential oils so it is safe. But yeah, it smells good and your clothes come out feeling fresh and clean. And it doesn't take very much. So you just put, like I said, a half tablespoon in the drum of your washer and they come out really clean. I know that for a lot of people laundry is one of those things where they feel like the toxin-free products just don't get their clothes clean. But I have many friends who have switched to milli ora and they also love it just as much as I do. My second favorite product I really love from them is their hand soap tablets. So I really got tired of getting a new foaming soap bottle all the time, I felt like I was going through those like crazy. So we converted to glass bottles with pumps. And you just simply put this soap tablet in there and then you fill it up with water and you shake it up. You always have soap at the ready. You don't have to have all these extra packages, not a bunch of extra plastic. It's wonderful. So these are all my favorites from Meliora, one of my favorite brands, and I actually have a link for you. bit.ly/tftlaundry and that will get you 10% off your first purchase.  I really thank you for using my personal links because you may not know this, but this podcast, I don't get paid to put this information out here. I do it because I'm really passionate about toxin-free living and I wanted to create a way for people to really switch to toxin-free living without being overwhelmed. And so I started this podcast simply to provide that information, I do not get paid. And so it's very helpful when you do use those links because they help support this podcast and they make it so that I can keep doing this because I got a family to feed too. So I really appreciate it when you do use my link. So again for Meliora that's bit.ly/tftlaundry

Another product I'm going to share is Sea Love Candles and they are made in Maine. They have the most wonderful scents and they use a safe, natural fragrance and I trust that this is actually safe. I have a lot of my fellow Crunchi moms who are really into these candles as well and I can tell that they aren't full of phthalates and other parabens, all sorts of other things because when I smell them it's not like this lingering smell. I have this really good sniffer after. You know after getting rid of all the fragrances in my life for so long, I can really really smell when there is something in there that's not good. Sea Love does not use any of those toxic chemicals, those toxic fragrances and they are beautifully packaged. Again hand poured in Maine and such a great company. If you would like to try them, you can get 10% off with a coupon code detoxbydesign10 at www.sealove.com 

And then of course, you know, my favorite skincare makeup, body care products are from Crunchi. If you're new here, and this is the first time you're hearing about Crunchi, you get $10 off your first order with the link bit.ly/tft10off. So I've been partnered with Crunchi for gosh, so long now I think it's seven years, which is just crazy. And Crunchi really is the reason why I am doing this podcast. It's the reason why I became passionate about sharing about toxin-free living. And I just am so grateful that it's given me this platform to help other people choose a healthier and happier way of living. With Crunchi, I get to both make women and families feel beautiful and confident and improve their skin and improve some of their health issues. But I also get to help support my family. And it's given me a lot of personal growth and personal development. I've met incredible women across the US that I call my friends now because without Crunchi, I wouldn't have known them. It's so special. So anyway, I have many episodes on lots of my favorite Crunchi products. Right now my favorite is the vitamin C serum. Because as I get older, I'm getting some age spots, and I really liked the brightening that it's doing for that. It's also helping protect my skin against blue light damage because I am in front of a computer a lot. And we need that for sure. So those are a couple of my favorite Crunchi products right now. And the link again is bit.ly/tft10off. 

Thank you for listening, and I am so grateful that you're here. I'm so appreciative of when you use my links because again, it supports the podcast and you are free to email me if you have any questions at megan@detox.design.

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