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5 Tips for Staying Sane During Holiday Madness

November is already half over! Does your blood pressure go up just thinking about the mad rush of the holiday season, or is that just me? 

On social media everyone has rose colored glasses when it comes to the holidays. People are talking about putting their trees up before Thanksgiving, listening to holiday music, and watching Hallmark movies every chance they get. 

But let’s be honest, the holiday season is BUSY! I usually notice the madness the weekend before Thanksgiving. I’m not the only person dashing between Trader Joe’s, Costco, and Safeway trying to find tiny plastic packages of thyme and sage that seem to be out at every store in town. Traffic is worse than usual, the house is a disaster, and for some reason the kids want to eat three meals a day plus snacks! 

Do you feel me? Can you relate? Yes, I love the extra cheer and the festive lights, but honestly the business and never ending to do list can get to me.

Here’s when self-care is even more essential. I know, who has time for self-care when it feels like you don’t even have time to go to the bathroom? Believe me, I’ve been there! But over the last year I’ve prioritized my morning routine and taking care of myself so I can take better care for my family. 

For me, self-care isn’t about pedicures, massages, and all day shopping extravaganzas.

Don’t get me wrong, those are awesome, but when I’m strapped for time, and let’s be honest cash, these types of activities don’t ease my weary heart. 

Having an (almost) daily practice of a few morning habits has made a HUGE difference. Tackling these simple tasks first thing in the morning - before checking my phone, reading my email, or unloading the dishwasher - have been key to easier days with fewer frustrations.

Morning habits that help me stay sane during stressful times:

  1. Meditation: I’ve tried meditation in the past and I just couldn’t concentrate for more than 2 minutes. Well, at least before I found the Calm app. Nope, it’s not free, but paying for this app encouraged me to commit 10 minutes a day to meditation. Hearing the soft voice and gentle river in the background helps keep keep my mind from wandering and helps me focus on breathing and staying in the moment. 

  2. Writing down three tasks to focus on for the day: A never ending to do list is overwhelming. Focusing on only three tasks is much more achievable and keeps me from feeling like I’ll never get it all done.

  3. Planning out my day hour by hour: Scheduling out my day puts me in control instead of letting the hours of the day slip by. I put everything in there, including driving time. Visually seeing each hour of the day scheduled helps me stay focused on the tasks I established for the day. 

  4. Revisiting my goals through written affirmations. I know this may sound woo-woo, but research confirms that affirmations can positively impact your life. For example, a review of research featured in Annual Review of Psychology, found that affirmations are beneficial in reducing stress, improving academic performance, encouraging behavior change, and improving relationships. This stuff works!  

  5. Exercise: I know that when we get busy, exercise often falls to the bottom of our priority list. But it really shouldn’t! When I start getting annoyed with everything - this means I need exercise, and now! I always feel better whether it’s walking the dogs or a super sweaty yoga class. 

I’m feeling a little extra stress right now because we’re in the middle of a move. So I need to stick to my morning habits now even more than ever!

Do you have a morning routine?

What other stress relieving tips to share?