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179 Clean Beauty - Not a Trend, It's a Movement

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Clean beauty is everywhere these days. Clean beauty was what brought me to this space to begin with, because I first learned about all of the harmful ingredients in our everyday beauty products and it inspired me to share the information with more people. So many of us are not aware of the fact that every single time we put on lotion, or makeup or wash our face, that we are exposing ourselves to harmful ingredients and chemicals that can do long term damage. So I just felt so called to share this information. 

People might think that clean beauty is just a trend, it's gonna go away, it's not going to be around forever. But the statistics really demonstrate that clean beauty is truly a movement and it's here for good. So just to share some of the statistics with you: 

A third of beauty products today are labeled clean, and that is predicted to increase by 12% by 2027. That really shows how many companies are claiming that their products are clean and we also know that more and more people are searching for clean beauty. 

A 2023 sustainability report had characteristics that people were looking for when choosing beauty products in general. And this list includes cruelty free, natural fragrances paraben free, sulfate free, phthalate free.

66% of people are more likely to buy a personal care beauty product that has clean on the label 

45% of female consumers between 13 and 39 are interested in trying clean beauty. Another statistic 32% of consumers between 13 and 39 are interested in learning more about Clean beauty. 

So clearly we can see that clean beauty is here to stay. People want to learn more. They want to try more products. They're really interested in clean beauty and why they should be choosing clean and safer beauty over conventional products. This is such great news because this means that more people are paying attention to the fact that what they put on their skin makes a difference and that they need to choose safer and healthier products. 

Another shocking statistic that I recently learned is that 72% of CEO and leaders of beauty brands have admitted that their company has been guilty of greenwashing. I'm going to repeat that again. Because this was really astonishing. When I learned this I was shocked. 72% of CEOs and leaders of beauty brands admit that their company has been guilty of greenwashing. So while people are paying more attention to clean beauty, we know at the same time that many, almost three quarters of these brands are participating in greenwashing. And if you're new here and you're not familiar with greenwashing, greenwashing is basically when a brand represents itself as green and clean, but the ingredients or the packaging or the product itself isn't green or clean like you think it is. Their marketing is convincing you that it is something that it is not. So this again just emphasizes the importance of reading your ingredient labels, understanding who is producing the product that you're choosing to use and put on your body. And also at the same time by buying it, you are supporting that company and the practices that they employ in creating that product. As I say, so frequently, you are voting with your dollar. So if you are choosing to support a company that may be greenwashing or putting false information out there, or maybe tricking you, you are unfortunately perpetuating that issue. So by being a vigilant consumer, by reading ingredient labels, by understanding where their product is coming from, who is creating that product, and really understanding the maker of that product and what's in it and by choosing a bite more consciously you're voting with your dollar, and you're supporting brands and companies that are doing the right thing.

If you're new here, you may not know this, but I have been a part of Crunchi for seven years now. I joined when they were just six months old. And I partnered with them because I truly trusted the founders who investigate and create products that are truly safe, that are using innovative practices to create products that are safe, that have sustainable packaging, and that also perform and work because if they don't work, what's the point, you're going to just go back to that brand that is greenwashing and you know using harmful ingredients to begin with. 

So really that marriage of the three: safe ingredients, high performance, and sustainable packaging. And if you're curious about Crunchi, or you want to know where to start, you are welcome to email me You can also get $10 off your first purchase by shopping my website, which is And if you are ready to share this message with your friends, with your family, to have a platform to share why it is important to pay attention to the ingredients in the products that we use every day, and why we need to become conscious consumers and support companies that are doing the right thing then I would love to chat with you about that. You have the opportunity to advocate for this movement as well. 

As you heard it is a growing movement and there is more and more need and desire to really share about products like Crunchi. So I would love to share that with you. It really is so rewarding to be partnered with a company that you know is doing the right thing, that is educating me personally and encouraging me to share this education with others. It is the best way for me to learn but also to have this platform to share with others. 

As always, I thank you for listening for being a part of the toxin free talk listener group.