Going Clean and Green for the Holidays - Eco-Friendly Switches to Green Your Giving

I’m currently sitting in the middle of my living room surrounded by boxes. With each box I’ve packed, and many, MANY, oh so many, items sent to the thrift store, I’ve thought “there is no way I’m Christmas shopping before we move.” I definitely don’t want to pack more boxes than I have to.

Plus, when you physically touch every item you own, you can’t help but ponder “does this spark joy?”, in pure Marie Kondo fashion.

Don’t get me wrong, I love gifts. I absolutely love finding the perfect gift for someone! And, nothing makes you realize how much someone “gets you” than getting the perfect, just what I never knew I needed but now can’t live without, gift.

But moving helps you realize how much stuff you have and how much you really don’t need. Well, at least I’ve been reminded of that with this move.

This got me thinking… there are ways to give both consciously AND with meaning! Not to mention, there are some really fun and creative ways to package gifts that don’t require adding to your garbage pile on Christmas morning.

I thought I’d share some tips on green giving for the holidays.

Low-Waste Gift Ideas


Something to eat, drink, or use is one of the most eco-friendly gifts you can give - especially those packaged in recyclable or reusable packaging. Spiced nuts, flavored simple syrup, or homemade bath salts all packaged in glass jars are all great options!


Ice skating, pottery painting, cooking classes, theater tickets, concert tickets, museum passes, and local restaurant gift cards are a few ideas for giving experiences instead of physical gifts. Better yet set a date and share the experience together.

Support a friend or Local business

One of my favorite gifts to give is that of a friend who sells their craft (for example my friend Cassie’s gorgeous jewelry). I also love supporting local businesses for unique and special gifts.

Get Crafty

Last weekend, the girls and I made some fun skin care goodies with some friends. They were quite simple and easy and the recipes came from a book found at a local craft store!

Green Gift Wrapping

I didn’t grow up recycling every piece of wrapping that was under the tree, but I do remember my grandfather getting upset at greeting cards. He thought it was such a waste of money to buy a card that would only be used once.

Then the first Christmas with my husband made me realize just how much Christmas wrapping could be reused. Bows, bags, paper, tissue - my mother-in-law would collected it all to use again. Since then I’ve never wasted a single scrap.

But besides reusing, there are a lot of other ways to go waste-free with gift wrap.

Here are some ideas that came from my online community:

  • Use old maps, coloring pages, or kids art as wrapping paper

  • Package in a reusable containers like glass jars, cookie tins, or reused decorative boxes

  • Reuse greeting cards as gift tags

  • Wrap a gift using fabric scraps or dish towels

  • Use an old scarf or clothing item (such a fun gift wrap to pass on every year)

  • Use old pictures to create cards and gift tags

  • Have too many shopping totes - use them as gift bags!

I hope these ideas inspire you to enjoy giving WHILE being green!

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