Five Hacks for a Toxin-Free Pregnancy

I remember what it was like to be newly pregnant really just wanting the best for my baby. Having a baby on board can make detoxing your life seem more important than ever. You can start your journey to a toxin-free pregnancy today with some simple steps that will add up to a healthier environment for you and your baby. 

Five Hacks for a Toxin-Free Pregnancy

  1. What you eat. Super important, that if you’re pregnant, or thinking of getting pregnant, you start thinking about clean eating. Organic, non-GMO, more vegetables, more water. And less soda, fast food and processed food. All of those things we know about healthy eating. Because what we consume, our baby consumes, right? If you want more information about clean eating on a budget, check out this podcast episode Staying on Budget when Eating Healthy and Organic Foods.

  2. Start distancing yourself from your bluetooth, your wifi and your microwave. We have wifi in our home, cellphones, bluetooth products all over the place. All of those electronics create electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and that’s energy that can impact our health. Listen, we’ve always been affected by EMFs through things like landlines and electricity in our homes. But right now we are impacted more than ever. We’re inundated with technology all day, everywhere we go. So I have some simple suggestions. I won’t tell you to totally give up your smart life, but some small changes can really help. First, leave your phone outside the bedroom! Don’t go to bed with your phone. That’s 6-8 hours that you can reduce your EMF exposure. If you use your phone as an alarm, just put it on airplane mode. Next, you can get a timer that turns off your wifi router while you’re sleeping. Again, all those hours that you’re not using the internet is a perfect time to reduce EMFs. Finally, really be considerate when bringing technology into your home. Ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” Yes you can turn on the wifi on your new refrigerator, but are you really going to use it? 

  3. Start thinking about the plastics, dishware and cookware you use. Plastic can leach chemicals into food and so can non-stick cookware. You can find lots of information on cookware in the episode Are Non-stick Pans Safe? Choosing Toxin-Free and Eco-Friendly when Buying New Pots and Pans, but 2 of my favorite options are cast iron and stainless steel. Glass is a great replacement for plastic, but if you’re planning for babies and little ones, silicone, stainless steel or wood don’t pose a breakage hazard and are toxin-free.

  4. Of course, detox your home! Start thinking about the products you are using in your home every single day. You can switch out little by little. Next time you get to the end of that laundry detergent, make sure the next container is toxin-free. Switching to toxin- free as you run out of stuff makes it less overwhelming and budget friendly. If you’re still intimidated by those long ingredient labels, you can learn all about how to detox your home simply and on a budget in my course Detox By Design: The Home Method. If you just want to try the products that I’ve researched and love, you can find them in my shop.

  5. Don’t forget about you! Now most people start thinking about detoxing the products they use in their homes before the products they use on their body. But the truth is, it’s super important to switch out those products that you use on your body first! Why? We absorb the products we put on our body into the bloodstream. Not EVERY product, it depends on the size of the molecule, but a lot. And when you’re pregnant, that means your baby is being exposed to those chemicals as well. Again, don’t get overwhelmed and feel like you have to overhaul everything in your bathroom. Just like with the detergent and cleaning products, when something runs out, just make the next right choice. You might also be thinking, “But I use soooo many products.” Even more reason to make those products safe and healthy. Think about it. From the time we wake up and brush our teeth to the time we go to bed and remove our makeup, we are putting so many products on our bodies. Those add up and over time that chemical body burden can be pretty high.

Come join my Facebook group Detox by Design Insiders to get more daily tips and if you’re ready to detox your beauty routine, and every day products I’m here to help! 

5 hacks for a toxin free pregnancy
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