Switching to toxin-free deodorant - some tips and tricks


Have you tried toxin-free deodorant and then switched back to your old favorite? Here are some things you should know.

Switching to toxin-free deodorant - some tips and tricks

Why do we need to switch to toxin-free deodorant?

Our skin is our largest organ and what we put on our skin impacts our health. Underneath our armpits lies our lymphatic system and there are some studies that suggest that aluminum in antiperspirants could increase your risk for cancer, especially breast cancer.

Some tips to make the switch easier:

  1. Wash with a charcoal soap. My favorite is here.

  2. Spray or wipe pits down with alcohol.

  3. Try an Armpit detox - it may sound weird, but a mask made of bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar can be quite helpful:

    1. Mix equal parts bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar in a non-metal bowl and apply a thin layer to each armpit. Leave on anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes. Wash off. 

    2. You can repeat this as often as needed until the rash is gone and you’ve successfully transitioned to safe deodorant.

Want more help going toxin-free? Download my free guide, join my Facebook group, and follow me on Instagram.

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